Miranda Markgraf

Miranda Markgraf was born in Berlin, is married, the mother of a six-year-old child and works as a dancer and eurythmist in various social and artistic fields. She has been continuously developing her work since 2010 and is constantly educating herself in dance techniques, improvisation, voice, meditation, holistic therapies, practices of body and movement perception (somatics and kinaesthetics) and dance in the social area.

Miranda Markgraf completed her eurythmy diploma in 2009 at the Alanus University for Art and Society in Alfter. Since then she has developed around 20 stage pieces for dance and eurythmy together with artists from different genres. From 2010 to 2015 she worked, among other things, as a member and co-founder of the international FLOCKS & SHOALS performance collective. She has also worked with seniors in nursing homes, with students in acting training, with small children in dance schools and kindergartens and with adults in open courses and workshops. She speaks in panel discussions and lectures at the HKW Berlin and other houses. Both her stage pieces and her dance and eurythmy courses deal with human states and the fundamental and personal in the relationship between self and environment.